Spotlight on Benedictine Values at St. Scholastica’s Academy Pampanga

At St. Scholastica’s Academy Pampanga (SSA), Benedictine values form the foundation of our educational philosophy. Rooted in the teachings of St. Benedict, these values are not just principles we teach but are lived experiences that guide our students, faculty, and entire school community. Let’s delve into the core Benedictine values that have shaped SSA’s identity for the past century.

1. Ora et Labora (Prayer and Work)

The motto “Ora et Labora” encapsulates the Benedictine approach to life. At SSA, this balance of prayer and work is emphasized in every aspect of school life. Daily prayers, regular masses, and spiritual retreats are integral parts of our schedule, ensuring that students develop a strong spiritual foundation. This spiritual growth is complemented by a rigorous academic curriculum that encourages diligence, discipline, and a strong work ethic.

2. Stability

Stability, a central Benedictine value, is about being rooted in a community and staying committed to it. SSA fosters a stable environment where students and staff feel a strong sense of belonging and loyalty. This stability is reflected in the long-standing relationships between the school, its alumni, and the local community. It creates a nurturing atmosphere where students can thrive academically and personally.

3. Hospitality

Hospitality is more than just welcoming others; it’s about seeing the face of Christ in every person. SSA embodies this value by creating an inclusive and supportive environment. We encourage our students to be open, kind, and respectful to everyone they meet. This spirit of hospitality extends beyond the school walls through community outreach programs and social service initiatives.

4. Stewardship

At SSA, we teach the importance of stewardship – caring for the resources we have been entrusted with, whether it be our environment, our talents, or our community. Environmental education and sustainable practices are integrated into our curriculum to instill a sense of responsibility in our students. We believe that being good stewards of our planet is a vital part of our mission.

5. Community Life

Community life is at the heart of SSA. We believe that learning happens best in a collaborative environment where everyone supports each other. From group projects and team sports to school-wide events and service projects, students learn the value of teamwork, mutual respect, and collective responsibility. This sense of community helps our students develop into well-rounded individuals who value collaboration and social responsibility.

6. Humility

Humility, recognizing our strengths and weaknesses and being open to learning, is a core Benedictine value. SSA encourages students to strive for excellence while remaining grounded and humble. This balance helps students build character and integrity, preparing them to be thoughtful and ethical leaders in the future.

Living Benedictine Values

At St. Scholastica’s Academy Pampanga, Benedictine values are more than just words; they are lived experiences that shape our community’s identity. These values guide our students not only in their academic pursuits but also in their personal growth and their interactions with the world around them. As we celebrate our centennial, we reaffirm our commitment to these timeless values, ensuring they continue to inspire and guide future generations of Scholasticans.

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